! Gane uno de los productos exclusivos creados para la Semana del Diseño de Milán por Paola Navone !


Una invitación inesperada para un cumpleaños que se espera con impaciencia. Eclécticos personajes se reúnen en Gervasoni's, en el barrio de Via Durini, durante la Semana del Diseño de Milán 2024 para celebrar el 20 cumpleaños de quien, del diseño, ha sido uno de los protagonistas. Ghost, la icónica colección diseñada por Paola Navone, organiza "Ghost Party, Be my Guest", una fiesta en la Gervasoni Flagship Store cuyos invitados son eclécticas reinterpretaciones de la famosa familia de muebles tapizados.

Para que la fiesta de cumpleaños de Ghost sea aún más especial, Gervasoni invita a los amantes del diseño a participar en un concurso único. En su Flagship Store, Gervasoni organiza un concurso de Instagram imperdible, que ofrece la oportunidad de ganar tres productos icónicos: los sillones Ghost 04 y Ghost 05 y el sofá Ghost 18.


Asegúrate de seguir nuestro perfil @gervasoni1882 en Instagram.


Haz una foto o graba un vídeo del montaje exclusivo de Ghost en nuestra tienda de via Durini.


Comparte un POST de instagram usando #ghost20thbirthday @partecipoeautorizzo.

Concurso válido del 15 de abril al 21 de abril de 2024. Los afortunados ganadores se elegirán al azar entre todos los participantes al final del concurso.

The wait is over, meet our champions!

Ghost 18


Ghost 04


Ghost 05

Terms and conditions Presidential Decree No. 430 of October 26, 2001. Contest with prizes “Ghost Party”


1. Promoter Party
The promoter is Gervasoni Spa, viale del Lavoro, 88 ZIU, 33050 Pavia di Udine (UD), CF/PI 02314160306.

2. Delegated Party
Delegated company is Promosfera S.r.l. with registered office in Casorate Sempione (VA), Via XXV Aprile n. 56; C.F. e P. Iva 02250050024.

3. Target
The recipients of the contest are all final consumers over 18 years of age domiciled in Italy or in the Republic of San Marino who will visit the Gervasoni Showroom - Fuorisalone 2024, in via Durini, 7 Milan.
Those who have a relationship of collaboration and/or dependence with the promoting company are excluded from participation. Also excluded are those involved in the organization and management of the contest.

This contest, is in no way sponsored, administered or associated with Instagram or any other social network. Any information provided by participants will not be handled by Instagram but by the Promoting Company. Instagram cannot be held responsible in case of any problems. Each of the participants releases Instagram from any liability inherent in participating in this initiative.

4. Contest period
Users will be able to participate from April 15 to April 21, 2024.
Final drawing by May 15, 2024.

5. Promoted products - Objective of the contest
The promoted brand is Gervasoni.
This contest is carried out with the intent to increase the visibility of the promoted brand and, in particular, to engage visitors to Fuorisalone 2024.

6. How to participate
On the official Instagram profile @gervasoni1882 and on the main communication channels of the promoting company, a communication will be presented the contest, explaining how to take part in it and how to then participate in the awarding of the prizes up for grabs.

To compete in the final draw, users will have to:

  • Take a free-themed photograph at the Gervasoni showroom in via Durini 7 at Fuorisalone 2024. The photograph can freely portray a glimpse, a product or more than one and optionally the author of the shot. Fundamental is that the setting of the shot within the exhibit is recognizable.
  • Post it on your instagram profile adding in the description the # dedicated to the iniziative #ghost20thbirthday and @partecipoeautorizzo.

All those who have posted an image following the participation instructions will compete for the final award of the prizes up for grabs.
It should be noted that all images released by users who meet the above requirements, together with the name of the participant's social profile, will be automatically acquired through a software application and saved on a database located in Italy.
The deadline for participants to submit an image for the purposes of the contest will be April 21, 2024. The images must respect the theme of the contest activation in which you are participating and must be original. The user must add the two hashtags indicated to the photo.

6.1 Limits to participation
Each user may participate with a maximum of one contribution.

  • In the event that a user posts more than 1 image during the participation period, only the first image posted in chronological order will be automatically taken into consideration: it follows that ALL possible images posted by the same user subsequent to the first will be EXCLUDED from the drawing.

7. Method of awarding prizes
Among all entries sent no later than 11:59 p.m. on April 21, 2024, a drawing of 3 winning entries and 6 reserve names (by the date indicated in point 4) will be carried out in the presence of a notary public or the person responsible for the protection of the consumer and public faith with territorial jurisdiction (art. 9 of Presidential Decree No. 430 of October 26, 2001).

The prizes will be awarded as follows:

The 1st name drawn will win a Ghost 18 Sofa - Limited Edition for Fuorisalone 2024.
The 2nd name drawn will win a Ghost 04 Armchair - Limited Edition for Fuorisalone 2024.
The 3rd name drawn will win a Ghost 05 Armchair - Limited Edition for Fuorisalone 2024.

N.B. in order to be able to verify the regularity of the participation, the Promoter Company will check the images of the extracted entries and in case they are off topic or contrary to the rules, they will be disqualified and the related winnings cancelled. The Promoter in order to deliver the prizes also reserves the right to ask the winners for a copy of their identity card, or valid document.

Winners may not contest the prize awarded, or demand the corresponding cash value or exchange/replacement for any reason. However, in the event that the Promoter is unable to deliver the prize won, the Promoter reserves the right to replace the prizes announced with prizes of equal or greater value (Circ 28/3/2002 Item 9.6) Winners may not claim any indemnity as a result of any damages resulting from the acceptance and/or use of the prize.

7.1 Reserves
Six reserve names will be drawn for any case in which the prize cannot be awarded to any of the winning names. Prizes not awarded to the winners will be awarded to the reserve names in order of their drawing.

8. Prizes up for grabs



Unit price
VAT Excluded

VAT Excluded

Ghost 18 sofa


€ 2.553,00

€ 2.553,00

Ghost 04 armchair


€ 984,00

€ 984,00

Ghost 05 armchair


€ 892,00

€ 892,00


€ 4.429,00

The total PRIZE MONTEPREMIUM will amount to € 4,429.00 (excluding VAT).
The values of the prizes are to be understood at the value of the public sale list as of the date of writing of these regulations.

9. Notification and delivery of prizes
Winners of the contest following its identification, will be notified with a Direct Instagram message sent from the Promoting Company's profile @gervasoni1882, to communicate the selection and to collect an additional contact (email or phone) to facilitate the exchange of further information as well as the collection of the written acceptance of the prize.

During acceptance, the winner must indicate the address to which to have the prize won delivered and all further information required to coordinate delivery (name, full address, floor, etc...). Delivery of the prize must take place on Italian territory, unless otherwise agreed with the Promoting Company.

The Contest Secretariat will use the contact in order to collect the master data useful for the delivery of the prize.

If the winner within 7 days of notification of the winning, does not communicate that he/she accepts the prize and the personal data useful for the shipment of the prize, he/she will be considered untraceable and the prize will be awarded to the reserves (in order of drawing). Reserves will have to comply with the same timeframe for accepting the prize (7 days after notification).

The Promoting Company assumes no responsibility if any of the following conditions occur:

  • the participant does not check posts or follow requests on Instagram for any reason or impediment;
  • the participant deletes his/her Social profile;
  • the participant cannot be contacted because of the private profile or any restrictions.

In addition, the Participant is solely responsible for managing his/her profile, with particular reference to:

  • to the acknowledgement of the messages with the instructions for requesting the Prize;
  • to the adoption of security measures to prevent other parties not authorized by him/her from accessing his/her profile.

Prizes will be delivered to claimants within 180 days (six months) from the date of award by courier or freight forwarder.
Prizes delivered to winners may not be traded or advertised. Prizes not claimed or not awarded, other than those refused, will be donated to the non-profit organization better identified below. All prizes up for grabs may in no way be converted into gold tokens or cash. The Promoting Company reserves the right in case prizes are unavailable for reasons beyond the Promoting Company's control to provide a prize of equal or greater value with similar characteristics.

10. Content authorizations, representations, and warranties
With your entry posted for the purpose of participation you authorize the promoter to publish it on its website or other communication material and to make the content and related data (if it deems it appropriate) available to the public, even after the final term of this contest on the company's social profiles

The promoting company reserves the complete right to obscure content made with graphics or images that are deemed offensive and contrary to public morals (vulgar, violent scenes, illegal activities, etc..), that violate in any way the rights of third parties by presenting defamatory content, invading privacy or violating any copyrights.

By submitting their content(s), participants waive any rights to the content(s), (a right that will be granted to the promoter), and will not be able to make any financial claims for any future use. Content must be copyright free and will not be returned.

Submissions that will contain images of minors may only be uploaded by those with parental authority, and an appropriate declaration must be made by flag.

By submitting content, each participant assumes all responsibility regarding the content itself in fact, by agreeing to participate in the contest, he/she declares and guarantees:

  • that the content submitted is original and that the same does not infringe on any copyright and/or related rights and/or trademark rights/trademark/industrial secrets/image rights or any other commercial and/or industrial and intellectual exploitation right of any natural or legal person;
  • that it will hold the promoting company, as well as its successors in title, fully indemnified and held harmless from any and all detrimental consequences, costs, damages that may accrue to it as a result of the violation of this declaration and guarantee. In particular, the participant shall defend and hold the promoter fully indemnified against damages (including costs) that the promoter is called upon to pay to third parties as a result of:
    • an action or warning based on the fact that the mere possession or use of the content by the promoter, infringes or has infringed the copyright, the right on a registered trademark, patent right, know-how, invention rights, image rights and any other exclusive rights of third parties;
    • any detrimental consequences caused by the publication of content deemed offensive or contrary to public morals (vulgarity, violent scenes, illegal activities, etc.).
  • to be aware and accept that the contributions sent for the purposes of participation in the contest will be used and disseminated on the website www.gervasoni1882.com and on the social channels of the promoting company and to be aware that the aforementioned contributions will, therefore, be indiscriminately accessible to the public;
  • to have obtained, prior to sending the contribution, the permission of the subjects filmed (or, in the case of minors, of the exerciser of their parental authority) to the acquisition and publication of the information concerning them as well as their image filmed therein.

By submitting your entry you authorize the promoter to publish it on its website and channels, and thus make it available to the public even after the final term of this contest.

11. Gratuity of Participation
Participation in the contest is free of charge, except for the cost of sending text messages at the cost of the individual participant's rate plan and any ordinary postage, telephone or Internet connection charges necessary for the purposes of participation.

12. Advertising the Contest and the Rules
The Promoting Company will communicate the contest offline and online through the website www.gervasoni1882.com and social channels @gervasoni1882.

The advertising message will be in accordance with what is stated in these rules. The complete rules and regulations will be made available to participants at www.gervasoni1882.com

13. Territorial scope
The contest will be valid throughout Italy and the Republic of San Marino.

14. Guarantees and Fulfillments
The collection of names on the web for participation in the contest will take place by means of computer software for which a declaration in lieu of affidavit is prepared on the proper functioning of the same. The contest database will be supported on a server allocated on Italian territory, based in Italy. The deposit referred to in Article 7 of Presidential Decree 430/2001, amounting to 100% of the amount of the prizes up for grabs for the contest has been provided in favor of the Ministry of Economic Development by means of Provisional Deposit with the Provincial Treasury of the State. This Sweepstakes is conducted in compliance with Presidential Decree No. 430 of October 26, 2001, and in accordance with the instructions set forth in the March 28 Circular No. 1/AMTC of the Ministry of Economic Development.
Participation in this Contest implies for the participant the unconditional and total acceptance of the rules and clauses contained herein without limitation, including the indicated value of the prizes up for grabs.
Users who, according to the unquestionable judgment of the Promoting Company or third parties commissioned by the same, participate with fraudulent means and tools or otherwise judged suspicious or in violation of the normal course of the initiative (for example, in the event that anomalous registrations are detected - duplicates, fictitious names, fake nicknames, personal and/or personal information of various kinds bogus - e.g. e-mail address, age... - and untrue related to the account), will be excluded from participation and will not be able to enjoy any prize won.
Therefore, the Promoting Company, or third parties commissioned by the same, reserve the right to proceed, with respect to all participants and in the terms deemed most appropriate (which include, if deemed necessary, the request for identity documents) and in compliance with applicable laws.
Participants' data will be collected in compliance with EU 679/2016 ("GDPR").
The list of competing participations extracted from the web, will be supported on a server for which a mirroring is arranged, by which the participations (account name and contribution are replicated in real time from the foreign server to the server located in Italy and deputed to the management of data and activities related to all stages of the prize event.

15. Electronic and telematic tools
The Promoting Company disclaims any responsibility for any access problem, impediment, malfunction or difficulty concerning technical tools, computer, telephone line, cables, electronics, software and hardware, transmission and connection, internet connection, accessibility to the online game and the mobile and fixed telephone network that may prevent a user from participating in the contest. It also disclaims any responsibility for problems caused by the user's computer/device configuration that could affect the user's performance when playing the game.

16. Recourse
The Promoting Company does not intend to exercise the right of recoupment of withholding tax provided for in Article 30 of Presidential Decree No. 600 of 29/09/73, and is responsible for the related tax burden.

17. Onlus beneficiary
Unsolicited or unassigned prizes, other than those refused, will be donated to the non-profit organization Amici di Welcomed - progetto Visita Sospesa – via Lazzaro Papi, 20 20135 Milano, CF 97438270155.

18. Minors
Minors may participate with the approval of their parents (or legal guardians). The Promoting Company reserves the right to request written approval at any time and to perform the necessary verifications.

19. Processing of Personal Data
Information to be provided pursuant to art. 13, European Regulation 679/2016 (so-called "GDPR")

The personal data spontaneously released will be processed, with mainly electronic methods and with analysis tools, including statistical ones, by Gervasoni Spa, viale del Lavoro, 88 ZIU, 33050 Pavia di Udine (UD) for the fulfillment of all phases related to the sweepstakes called "Ghost Party". In addition, they will be processed to comply with administrative and other regulations compulsory by virtue of the law in force in our country or by virtue of EU decisions and stored for the time imposed by these disciplines. The requested data are of compulsory provision for the aforementioned purposes and failure to provide them will make it impossible to carry out the management activities of the prize event and comply with legal regulations. Personal data will be made available to the person in charge of consumer protection and public faith competent for the territory as necessary for the purposes of the contest.
Retention of data for purposes of contest management will be limited to the period of completion of its individual stages and as imposed by the relevant regulations. Thereafter, they will be anonymized to create statistical elaborations and the identifying data will be destroyed.
Responsible for the processing is: Promosfera S.r.l.
The persons authorized to process the data are those in charge of sales and marketing, call center, information systems and data security.
Pursuant to Articles 15-21, GDPR, by writing to the holder at the above postal address you can exercise your rights to consult, modify, delete and forget, limit the processing of data or object to their processing for legitimate reasons or for informational and promotional purposes. In case of revocation of the consent given, which may be submitted at any time, it is understood that this does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent previously given or on alternative mechanisms to consent permitted by law. It is also made known that the data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority to enforce his or her rights. Also by writing to the above postal address, one can request the complete and updated list of data processors.
Finally, one has the right to request data portability, that is, to receive in a structured format, commonly used and readable by common electronic devices, one's data in order to transmit them directly to another entity, autonomous data controller, so that it can process them within the limits established by the data subject.

March 28, 2024
Delegated Party
Promosfera Ltd.