Paola Navone

Paola Navone è architetto, designer di prodotti, art director e progettista di interni. Numerosi i progetti di hotel, ristoranti e spazi pubblici nel Sud Est Asiatico, negli Stati Uniti, in Italia, in Francia e in giro per il mondo.
Schietta, sognatrice, eclettica: nella sua anima convivono sapori e colori del sud del mondo, conosciuto, amato, frequentato, unite al gusto e alle forme dell’Occidente ricco di tradizioni, aperto, in movimento.
È la fondatrice di OTTO lo studio di progettazione milanese che, con Gian Paolo Venier, Cristina Pettenuzzo e Domenico Diego, collabora con le firme più importanti dello scenario internazionale ed italiano nel mondo del design.
Numerosi i riconoscimenti ricevuti tra cui: l’International Design Award di Osaka, diversi Elle Deco International Design Awards, il Red Dot Design Award e il Good Design Award per il design di prodotti e la nomina a far parte della Hall of Fame del Design ricevuta da Interior Design Magazine a New York.
Per Gervasoni Outdoor Paola ha disegnato le collezioni Jeko, Inout, Panda, Straw e Ghost out.
Architect, interior designer, product designer and art director with a wide list of projects for hotels, restaurants and public spaces in South East Asia, the United States, Italy, France and around the world.
Paola Navone’s approach is direct, visionary and eclectic with a passion for the flavours and colours of the much-loved and much-travelled southern hemisphere, alongside tastes and styles from the western world with its wealth of tradition, open mindedness and creative energy. All of which has meant a boundless curiosity, seeking out materials, forms and structures, from the present, past and future.
Founder of OTTO, the Milan design studio she runs with Gian Paolo Venier, Cristina Pettenuzzo and Domenico Diego, she has curated a vast number of exhibitions worldwide and worked with top names in Italian and international design scene.The many international accolades received include the Osaka International Design Award, several Elle Deco International Design Awards for product design, the Red Dot Design Award and the Good Design Award, as well as a nomination for induction to the Design Hall of Fame received from Interior Design Magazine in New York.
Paola designed Jeko, Inout, Panda, Straw and Ghost out collections for Gervasoni Outdoor.
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